Grammar Answers to Yesterday’s Lesson

Below are the questions and answers to the lesson I posted yesterday which focused on Articles (a /the) in English grammar.

Did you feel it was a difficult lesson? This might be because you need to learn more rules about using a and the. You also need to learn about using no article.

The other problem is that there are irregular nouns that never use articles when used in a particular way, such as prison, hospital etc. I’ve explained below. However, you should consider getting my New Grammar E-book which lists the rules very clearly. The e-book is written for you to learn on your own at home.

Model Essay: Click here to see a full model essay for this topic: Crime & Punishment Model Essay

Questions & Answers

  • The reason for most first-time offenders committing crimes again, once they have been released from prison / the prison, is due to lack of / the lack of rehabilitation.
    • Answers: prison the lack of
    • Correct Sentence: The reason for most first-time offenders committing crimes again, once they have been released from prison, is due to the lack of rehabilitation.
    • Tips:
    • a) usually a singular countable noun would require an article (a / the). However, there are exceptions to this rule. Words such as “prison, hospital, school etc” are referring to a function. Such nouns never use an article (no “a / the”) when used in this way.
    • Example: He went to hospital.
    • In the above sentence, we are not referring to one particular hospital (a hospital or the hospital), we are referring to hospital as a function.
    • Here is a typical dialogue:
    • i) “My wife went into hospital last night.”
    • ii) “Really? Was she very seriously ill?”
    • i) “No, not very. But we didn’t want to take a chance.”
    • ii) “Which hospital did she go to?”
    • i) “Oh, you know, the hospital on the corner of Dower Street.”
    • In the dialogue above, you can see the first use of hospital is general and not specific. The second use of hospital is specific.
    • As I said, these words “hospital, prison etc” are irregular.
    • My new Grammar E-book gives you lists of irregular words and use of articles like this.
    • b) “lack” in this sentence is a noun. As explained above, nearly all singular countable nouns will require an article. We use “the lack of ” because we are referring to a specific lack. When we refer to something specific we use “the”. This is a common error with this noun.
    • “lack” is also a verb: “The NHS are currently lacking sufficient PPE in the UK.”
  • Repeat offending is also owing to the difficulty that people / the people with a criminal record have of finding employment / the employment.
    • Answers: people / employment
    • Correct Sentence: Repeat offending is also owing to the difficulty that people with a criminal record have of finding employment.
    • Tips:
    • a) we only use “the” (as explained above) when we refer to something or someone specific. In this case, it is not a specific group of people. It is people in general. 
    • When we have a plural noun that is speaking in general, we do not use an article at all. 
    • Example: Cars are the most common form of transport.
    • In the above sentence, the word “cars” is plural and also non-specific (general). We are not talking about a particular group of cars, we are talking about cars in general. When we speak in general with a plural noun, we do not use an article.
    • b) employment is an uncountable noun and in this sentence, we are referring to employment in general (it is not specific). This means it does not require an article at all.
  • Ensuring that people serving prison sentence / a prison sentence learn useful skills will help them find jobs / the jobs when they are released.
    • Answers: a prison sentence     jobs
    • Correct Sentence: Ensuring that people serving a prison sentence learn useful skills will help them find jobs when they are released.
    • Tips:
    • a) In this sentence, although we are referring to people, each person only serves one prison sentence at one time. This means we talking about people serving “a sentence”. It means one sentence that is not specific and this means we use “a”.
    • b) jobs is a plural noun referring to all jobs in general. This means we do not use an article at all. In this sentence, it would also be possible to have “a job”. This means a non-specific job – any job.
  • When offenders are released from prison / the prison and can find employment / the employment, it helps them reintegrate back into society / the society.
    • Answer:  prison     employment    society
    • Correct Sentence: When offenders are released from prison and can find employment, it helps them reintegrate back into society.
    • Tips:
    • a & b) see above.
    • c) the word “society” is another irregular noun. When we write about society in general rather than one specific society, particular society, we never use an article. “Society should take care of the vulnerable.” In this case, we are referring to society as a whole – in general. Or you could also say “A society that does not take care of its vulnerable people is a bad society.” – we are referring to one society which is non-specific.
  • Harsh prison sentences deter people / the people from considering crime / the crime.
    • Answers:    people     crime
    • Correct Sentence: Harsh prison sentences deter people from considering crime.
    • Tips
    • a) explained above.
    • b) the word “crime” is another irregular noun. Normally a singular countable noun would require an article. However, “crime” is irregular and does not require one when we are referring to crime in general rather than a specific crime.

I know this was difficult, but I hope you also found it a useful lesson. If you have problems in this area, now is the time to fixed those problems.

All the best




  1. Dora Doors says

    Hello, Liz! I can’t get why people with criminal records? it seens to me that people with criminal records are specific and ‘the’ will be appropriate

    • This aspect of grammar using “the” for specific or general groups has been fully explained in my new Grammar E-book. It takes me two pages to explain and illustrate just that particular piece of grammar in the e-book and it takes me 12 more pages to explain the other uses of articles. That means it requires more than a short message for me to answer you question – it can’t be answered in a short message. My e-book is at 70% discount right now – get it and learn from it 🙂

  2. Than you again for your help. God bless you

  3. Thank you very much for your help, but doesn’t to prompt (sb) to do (sth) mean to encourage?

    • Yes, you have the correct meaning. However, have you ever heard of any parents or any person ever prompting someone “encouraging someone” to CONSTANTLY watch TV. Have you ever heard any parents saying to their child “I want you to watch TV every minute you are wake?” That is the meaning of what the other person wrote. This shows the word was incorrectly chosen. It shows poor word choice. It should be “parents should not allow their children to constantly watch TV”. Children want to watch TV all the time, parents don’t want it.

  4. Hi Liz, I have just took one of the your questions (wt2), and I want to know is my thesis correct.

    Statement: Children can learn effectively by watching television. Therefore they should be encouraged to watch television regularly at home and at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    My thesis: In my opinion, while I agree that television enables young people to learn more efficiently, I believe that children should not prompted to constantly watch TV.

    • You have the right technique but be careful with your grammar and use of language. “should not prompted” = “should not be prompted” (passive). However, this is the incorrect word to use anyway. Never use any word that you are not 100% about – trying to impress the examiner will result in more errors and a lower score. Try this:
      “In my opinion, while I agree that television helps children learn more effectively, time limits and contents should be strictly controlled.”
      Your thesis statement is the most important statement your whole essay – get it right. Aim for clarity of ideas and absolute accurate use of language. Also NEVER write your introduction, until you have a fixed plan which includes both main ideas and supporting points written out in note form.

  5. Asmau Olamitunde says

    Hi Liz,
    Your lessons has been very helpful and also giving me more courage,though I’m yet to take my IELTS exams. Pls how do I purchase the ebook. Expecting your response. Thank you


  6. Thank you

  7. Hi Liz, do you think that podcasts such as BBC or AOV can enhance our listening skills?

    • They will certainly enhance your English language listening skills, but not your IELTS listening skills. You need to develop both, not just one. IELTS have specific question types for listening that you need to train for and develop techniques for.

  8. Perfect you are veey Liz.. I understand most Non Native speakers find this aspect of English abit complex..
    Weldone.. I Love your good work.

  9. Saad Sobh says

    Thanks Liz,
    It has been really helpful. I answered all of them correctly thanks to your previous lessons.

  10. nisansalachandrasekara says

    It is very helpfull me.thanks. I will get your e book

  11. Hi Liz
    I don’t intend to challenge your expertise rather I just want to be sure that my understanding is clear. Would request you to comment on this. British council says that when we refer to a system or a service, we must use the definite article ‘the’, for instance ‘the police station’, even when we haven’t spoken about that police station priorly. If this is true, then ‘prison’ too being a service or a system, should precede with the definite article ‘the’

    • You are confusing “the police” with “police station”. One is a social service / a social institution. The other is a place. Of course, you can have “a police station” or “police stations” without any article. For example, “there is a police station two streets away” OR “There are a number of police stations in this city.” However, “the police” acts in the same way as “the army” and always takes “the” when referring to social institutions, systems and services.

      However, do not confuse “the police” with “prison”. There is another rule about using “no article” with buildings that serve a function. For example, prison, school, hospital etc. When we refer these buildings as a function, we do not use an article. For example:
      I go to school from Monday to Friday.
      He had to go to prison for theft. He is serving two years in prison.
      I want to go to university in the UK.

      So, you see, you need to learn in depth or you will make mistakes. You can’t learn just one small rule unless you also learn all the other rules as well. This is the reason I have written my Grammar E-book which explains in much more detail and will help you avoid making such errors. You need to have all those rules together in one book so you can learn correctly.

      I hope this was helpful 🙂

      • Thank you so much Liz. This definitely helped.
        One quick question: is it correct to say ‘It is the duty of the government to take care of the interests of citizens’?
        Here we have used ‘the government’ when we are referring to just about any government, in general, of any country. Is it wrong to use ‘the’ in this context

        • This is about the choice of the writer. In this sentence, “the government” refers to a specific government – the writer’s government. And the end should be “to take care of the interests of its citizens.” Of course, we can infer that this would then apply across the board (in general), but it is written specifically.
          If you wish to write in general, you must follow the rules. When speaking in general using a countable noun, you must use the plural form without an article:
          It is the duty of all governments to take care of their citizens.”

  12. Farhad Yadegarian says

    Hi Liz,
    Hope you’re doing well!
    When will you release your grammar book?

  13. Lida Anwari says

    Dear Liz,

    I am looking forward to purchasing your E-grammar book when it will be realised?

    I have purchased your advance videos I hope it will help me to pass my IELTS.

    thank you for being so helpful I have just started with your education path.

    Kind regards


  14. Thanks Liz, it is very useful.

  15. Thnks Liz.
    Logical explanation that is very easy to understand and makes sense on where and why to use an article. Also your website is very useful with great explanations. Thnks for the hard work.

    I am struggling with task 2 writing, I think it’s the idea generation so I don’t finish the essay in time. Do you think I should read on the topic before writing?

    And also, I get stuck in how to begin the the paragraphs and the background statement.

  16. It was a nice exercise and thanks for the explanation

  17. My grammar is quite good. Still, I’ve learned some new irregular nouns. Thank you for helping students like me learn new language skills. I appreciate your work!

    • You’re welcome 🙂

    • Hlo Liz, thank you so much for all the lessons.
      Can you suggest me the latest IELTS book and where can I buy your grammar E book from? . Thank you once again .

      • What do you mean about the latest IELTS book? IELTS publish tests in books called IELTS Cambridge Test Book – they have book 1 to 14 at present. Book 14 is the most recent, but you can practise from any.

        My Grammar E-book will be available next week – I’ll post a notice when it’s ready 🙂

  18. Hi dear Elizabeth, I have a question about wt2, can I discuss two or three ideas in one paragraph, or paragraph MUST incorporate only one idea? Thank you

    • You need to get away from “one idea” and think of “a central theme” and “logical organisation”. If your whole essay is about “why you agree with more sport in schools”, you need to put each reason in one separate paragraph. You can’t have two reasons in one paragraph. If the whole essay is about advantages and disadvantages, you put all advantages together in one body paragraph – a central theme, logically organised.

  19. Rawia Obida says

    Thanks Liz it was definitely of a great help, although I got most of them right, I have always struggled with these articles, and now I’m thinking seriously to purchase your Grammar book which hopefully levels my English up!
    By the way I really like your logical explanations😊

    • Thanks. I love taking complex language and breaking it down into something simple and logical. I also like revealing patterns of language so that people can learn naturally – absorbing language as they see the patterns. I feel many people teaching grammar get lost in the grammar jargon, rather than help people feel confident and learn in a simple way. Thanks again for your kind comment 🙂

  20. Hi Liz, simple but very knowledgeable lesson got only two wrong. Anyways I have to follow you just a week ago and am finding all resources and lessons very helpful. I am planning to take my second IELTS test end of May where I need to score 8 in listening and speaking and 7 in reading and writing. I did one last year and got 8 in listening, 7.5 speaking and 6.5 in reading and writing. So I am really looking forward to improve my score through your courses.

    Thanks a lot for your assistance.

    • I’m glad you found my website and are developing. With IELTS reading, always aim for meaning rather than matching words (except for matching paragraph information questions which actually require you to match words). For writing, really get to understand the requirements of a task 2 essay. This isn’t just an academic essay, it’s a special essay for IELTS and you need to demonstrate special features and approaching things in a particular way. From May 5th, I’ll be offering a large discount on my Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons and new Grammar E-book – consider getting them if you can. However, always keep learning from my free lessons as well – all the tips and lessons are useful.

  21. it was very useful
    thank you very much

  22. Thank you mem

  23. Thank you

  24. Hi Liz,
    Thank you for activating our brains with this short grammar exercise. It was very useful for all of us . No wonder that even some IELTS
    instructurs are reffering to your website.
    I , personally, am waiting to have your e- grammar book ASAP.
    Thank you Liz .

    • I’m so pleased. I like trying to simplify complex language so that people can understand it more easily 🙂 I’m still making small changes to the e-book to add extra explanation and make it more user friendly. But it should be ready on May 5th or just after. Less than two weeks 🙂

  25. Thanks Liz I only got one wrong I have written ielts once and I got 5.0 but, I don’t want to write again I have changed my mind to go to Europe rather because I don’t have money to register again

    • I understand your decision. But please continue learning English. You never know when something might be critical to your future 🙂

  26. Kithmaashi says

    Hi Liz, can I know the price of your Grammar E- book? Thank you!

    • I’ll be offering a large discount for the first week. It should be ready in less than two weeks hopefully. The price will be listed in my store when it’s ready 🙂

  27. Pinaki Manna says

    Thank you mam

  28. Hi Liz, honestly this test was slightly complicated, despite this, however, I made 3 mistakes. Thank you for quiz 😊

  29. Thank you Liz for the corrections, it did not look difficult initially, but I did not know I could get up to three questions wrong.

  30. I got 3 so far… Yeah, I found it a bit difficult. Seems all of them are correct grammar but it’s not. Better luck next time.

  31. Ajayi olajumoke says

    Thanks it’s helpful, thou am still a beginner I got all wrong. How can I improve on it, really want to get good score in my next test. Thanks

    • As I mentioned, I’m releasing a Grammar E-book which will help you learn all such types of grammar and much more. It will be ready for release early next month.

  32. Thank you

  33. Veronica Plenty says

    I am so happy. I got all correct.

    Thanks for your guidance, Liz.

  34. Surprisingly, I didn’t find this so difficult. I have only two mistakes. Repeating is the mother of learning 🙂
    Thank you Liz!

  35. Could you plz, illustrate why you use have of finding employment. I get stuck to get the meaning and if there is a rule for using”have of ” please illustrate it . Thanks.

    • You could say “the difficulty people have to find employment” or “the difficulty people have of finding employment”. This is about verb patterns and prepositions.

      • Dear Liz,

        I myself am a university professor and I am familiar with the teaching methods of many teachers and professors, but I must admit that you are truly a special and very valuable teacher who is worth a world.
        Undoubtedly, students who learn with you will learn the technical principles of language.
        Thank God that there are still compassionate teachers like Liz in the world.

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