Spelling is part of the IELTS writing task 2 marking criterion of vocabulary, which is 25% of your final marks. Spelling mistakes will lower your score for writing task 2.
The passage below is based on the Advantages & Disadvantages of Zoos. A common topic in IELTS writing task 2.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Zoo
Spelling Practice: Read the paragraphs below and spot the 14 spelling mistakes. What is the correct spelling? Please note, this is NOT a full essay.
There are a number of reasons why it is wrong to put wild animals in zoos. Firstly, wild animals are not domisticated and should be free to rome around their natural habitate. Putting them in confinned spaces in zoos means that they will never be able to return to the wild again. Secondly, animals have natural instinkts which they develop from living in the wild and pass down to their own off spring. These instincts will gradually fade and never return if they are kept in capivity.
On the other hand, keeping animals in zoos does serve some useful porposes. Zoos can serve a way to protect indangered species. Many species are facing dwinling numbers due to the distruction of their habitat or from disease so by keeping them in zoos, they are protected from extinction. Another reason why zoos can be useful is that they can serve as a way to educate the public. Most people will never come into contract with such a range of species in their lives. So, by having zoos, people are able to experiance seeing them and also learn about them. Hopefully this will help with the pretection of animals in the future as people will learn to appreciate animals.
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