Form Completion for IELTS Listening Practice

It is a common to be asked to fill in a form for Section 1 in IELTS listening. It is also the easiest type of question in the listening test.In section 1, there are two speakers exchanging information on a social topic. It is often a phone conversation.

Check what type of information you need to listen for and be careful of traps. Common traps are when the answer is given and then changed by one of the speakers.

This is a practice listening for filling in forms and is useful for IELTS practice.

Form Completion

Write no more than three words and/or numbers.

Oxford Orientation Summer Course

Name: (1) Maria ………………………………………
Date of Birth: (2) ………………………………………………….
Country of Origin: (3) …………………………………………….
Subject: (4) …………………………………………………….
Number of places: 1
Course Dates: (5) ………………………………………….
Accommodation: (6) shared ………………………………..
Flight Number: (7) …………………………………………………
Email Address: (8) ……………………………………………………


Hello, this is the Oxford Orientation Summer Course booking office. How can I help you?
I’d like to book a place on a summer course this summer.
Certainly, let me take some details and then I’ll reserve a place for you. What is your full name?
It’s Maria Bueno.
So that’s Maria Beno – BENO?
No, actually it’s BUENO.
When were you born?
I was born on September 12th, 1985.
And which country do you come from?
I’m from Spain.
Well, we’ve got two different courses this summer. We’ve got the orientation for art history and museums and also one for photography. Which one would you like to book for?
The latter, please.
And is that just the one place for the photography course?
Yes, that’s right.
The course you’re interested in runs twice this summer, from June to July and again from August to September. Which one suits you best?
I think the August to September.
That’s fine. Just a few more details and then we’re done. The accommodation we offer on the course is all shared so you can choose from a shared room, a shared flat or a shared house.
Oh definitely not the shared room. I’d prefer the shared flat if you have one.
OK. What I need now are your flight details and also your email address.
Well, I’m coming on Iberia Lines flight IB316 arriving on July 29th. And my email address is
Well, that’s you booked then for a summer course starting in August. Is there anything else I can do for you?
No, that’s all. If you could just email me confirmation of my booking, that’s would be great.
I will do. Thank you. Goodbye.

1. Bueno (capital letter not needed)
2. September 12th, 1985 / Sept 12 1985 / 09/12/85
3. Spain
4. photography
5. August – September / August to September (capital letter not needed)
6. flat
7. IB316



IELTS Listening: Table Completion Practice, click here

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